The Iphone 4
The iPhone 4S Is a beautiful phone, just like the iPhone 4 because the external design didn’t change one bit! That doesn’t matter though, the iPhone 4S is a whole new machine. Packed with a dual core A5 processor, in benchmarks, the 4S beats the pants off the iPhone 4. Other hardware improvements in include a MUCH better 8MP camera and two antennas that are both utilized intelligently for the best reception possible.
When talking about the iPhone 4S, the release of iOS5 and iCloud cannot be ignored. The advantages of iCloud for most iPhone owners can be summed up in two words: “wireless syncing”. Gone are the days of needing to connect an iPhone to the computer to update and sync it with files on a computer. Packed into iOS are a ton of minor improvements and some major updates. We’re not going to go into all the updates but, “Siri”, the 4S’s personal assistant software is quite impressive and surprisingly “smart”.
Apple has once again delivered on it’s promise of consistent innovation and stellar products, with the iPhone 4S; Regardless of the lack of a re-design.
The Galaxy Nexus
The 4S had a couple weeks grace period before Samsung and Google responded with their own cutting-edge phone, the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. The design of the Galaxy Nexus is unique because it has a huge, 4.65” screen sitting behind a curved-glass front. Also, the profile of the phone has a slight “teardrop” shape (thinner up top, wider at the bottom). These design decisions are meant to make the phone more comfortable while holding it.
This phone is not only a beautiful device but with the new Android OS 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS), the Galaxy Nexus is loaded with features that the iPhone 4S does not have. For example, NFC, 4G capability, and of course “widgets”. Some other interesting bells and whistles include face recognition log in, no physical interface buttons and new photo editing software. The ICS UI resembles Android 3.0, “Honeycomb”, but it has been tweaked in variety of ways to run on both Android phones and Tablets. From all accounts reported so far, the interface is smoother and more streamlined, but the experience is still not as seamless as iOS on the iPhone 4S.
Most of the technical specs of the Galaxy Nexus on paper are better than the iPhone, but due to the tight integration between hardware and software on the iPhone, the same specs on an iPhone are somewhat unnecessary to achieve the same quality of performance.